
RAWMAT® HDB membrane linings are used extensively in landscaping applications all over the world. This unique system of prehydrated natural sodium bentonite is ideal for providing practical and aesthetic solutions and particularly effective in overcoming difficult ground conditions or meeting arduous design criteria. The sheets of membrane are laid like a carpet across a compacted excavation, the sheets are overlapped simply by peeling back 150mm of geotextile to form a bentonite to bentonite seal at the joints. The membrane is then covered with backfill to compress the bentonite and form a flexible and versatile lining to both formal and informal water features. Applications range from the creation of wetlands and balancing lagoons to water courses, river repairs and re-lining.

The scope and scale may range from massive lakes down to golf course water hazards or small private garden ponds. Rawell lining membranes have been used to create water features on many prestigious office developments for major commercial clients as well as centrepiece features for housing developments across the world from the UK to China.

The system’s proven resistance to potential contaminants has allowed the creation of lakes on top of landfill sites as well as the construction of canals in man-made land reclaimed from the sea forming a new city off the coast of Seoul, South Korea.

RAWMAT® HDB is also a natural choice for creating lagoons for drinking, irrigation or aquaculture in countries where water supplies are crucial to the population and the economy. RAWMAT® HDB's chemically inert natural sodium bentonite core ensures that the water’s purity remains unaffected.

This unique solution ensures the best of both worlds. Specifiers can rely on simple but natural looking features which are easily incorporated into a variety of water-holding applications, while contractors value the time and money saved in installation and the membrane's ability to self-heal minor puncturing.