Rawell Environmental Limited is one of the world's premier suppliers of bentonite based waterproofing materials. In fact it has been trading longer than most of the current suppliers of bentonite membranes having been formed over 30 years ago.

Where Rawell stands alone however is the form in which its bentonite products are supplied to the customer. The RAWMAT® HDB membranes and RAWSEAL® waterstops are unique in that they are the only bentonite products that are non-granular, prehydrated with a protective polymer cocktail, and manufactured by vacuum extrusion, a process which Rawell patented in the early 1990s. This means that the central core of natural sodium bentonite is already an impermeable barrier. It does not therefore require liquid to be added on site as it will function regardless of the ground/water conditions.

Rawell was founded by its current Chairman, Bryan Flynn in 1977. Bryan spent many years in the construction and civil engineering industries and was involved in the construction of a bentonite processing plant. Having secured distribution rights to US manufactured bentonite products Bryan discovered issues in the performance of these types of products. He realised that these issues could be overcome by factory prehydration of the bentonite, with a liquid polymer, and that this would produce a product that is resistant to chemical attack and consequently greater longevity than any other bentonite membrane.

Rawell has established an enviable reputation of supplying high performance products and innovative design solutions across its market sectors both in the United Kingdom and across the world. Its client base includes major companies like Exxon Mobil, BP, Shell, Manchester Airport, Standard Life, Microsoft, Scottish Widows, MTRC and its project list includes the Channel Tunnel, the Hong Kong Airport Rail Link, Britomart Underground Station and Buncefield Terminal. This market penetration has been achieved and is being maintained by consistently excellent, personalised high quality service and attention to detail.

Rawell have been manufacturing Rawmat® HDB and Rawseal® products for over 25 years! Rawell are the only prehydrated GCL manufacturer in the world. Rawell are a British company manufacturing their bentonite products in Great Britain.